Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kate Klise Visit

She's like the postman...neither rain, sleet nor SNOW could keep her away from Old Bonhomme!  On January 21, a day after the district was shut down because of snow, OB gave a warm welcome to Missouri author, Kate Klise.  Students were excited to finally meet Ms. Klise after reading many of her books, browsing her website, and brainstorming questions to ask during her visit.  Her book, Stand Straight, Ella Kate (written about real live Missouri giant Ella Ewing) was the most popular of Ms. Klise's books.  Not surprisingly, it was nominated for a Show Me Award in 2012-2013!

In addition to meeting with each grade level, Ms. Klise met with a group of Mrs. Shockley's star struck fourth graders (they were really, really excited to meet her).  Mrs. Shockley's class read Klise's amusing chapter book, Regarding the Fountain, over winter break and applied blogging skills they'd learned in class to talk about the book online.  These kids asked a lot of thoughtful questions that made me proud as an Old Bonhomme teacher!